
I've Got a First Grader (Mon 20 Aug 2007)

Torrin marched off to his first day as a first-grader this morning. It was a much rougher start than last year for kindergarten; I'm sure he'll improve as the day continues. He went to bed kind of late, and his temperament has gotten rather adolescent-moody as summer has progressed. I think school will help smack him back into six-year-old reality.

Monday August 20, 2007 - 07:36am (PST)

Well, he certainly had a lot to say to me about first grade when we spoke. He also mentioned that, although there are no cute girls in his class, he does have a cute teacher. What a doll!--Amber
Wednesday August 22, 2007 - 09:55pm (PST)

Um...wow. I guess his teacher is kinda cute. (!!!)
Thursday August 23, 2007 - 09:03am (PST)

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